Food Choice Defined
Food choice involves the processes by which people consider, select, prepare, distribute, and consume foods and beverages. The overarching question addressed in studies of food choice is, “why do individuals eat the foods they do?” Food choice behaviors are integral to social and economic expression of identities, preferences, and cultural meanings and ultimately influence nutrient intake and health. Drivers of food choice include interconnected biological, psychological, economic, social, cultural, environmental, and political factors. Influencing food choice involves efforts to promote and facilitate the purchase, provision, and consumption of healthier foods of individuals, families and communities and includes emphasis on food environments.
DFC Competitive Grants Program Research Portfolio
Latest News
The 8th annual Agriculture, Nutrition & Health Academy Week will take place from 19 to 30 June 2023, online and in Lilongwe, Malawi. The programme will feature online Learning Labs followed by a full hybrid conference in Lilongwe. We invite the global community of researchers and research users to participate in this event.
The format is as follows:
- 19 – 21 June 2023: Learning Labs (online only)
- 26 June 2023: Learning Labs (In-person only in Lilongwe)
- 27 – 30 June 2023: Research Conference (in-person in Lilongwe and online)
Registration is now open. Register at the link below.
Drivers of Food Choice Webinar Series
In collaboration with the Drivers of Food Choice program, the ANH Academy hosted a webinar series starting in January to showcase important findings that have emerged from the DFC portfolio regarding drivers of individual and household food choice in changing food environments and foster discussion around next steps for scale-up and application of insights and innovations from the portfolio. The series included one session per month for four months, from January to April 2021.

The first webinar was held January 14, 2021 and focused on illustrating key findings on drivers of food choice at the individual and household levels with an emphasis on the dynamic and reciprocal relationship with the food environment. You can find more information here and view the recording below:

The second webinar was held February 8, 2021 and explored the ways in which community perspectives about food safety can influence food choices and the ability to achieve healthy sustainable diets. You can find more information here and view the recording below:

The third webinar was held March 11, 2021 and explore how cultural and personal values drive food choice decision making and play a central role in the changing food choice behaviors of those experiencing the nutrition transition. You can find more information here and view the recording below:

The fourth webinar was held April 13, 2021 and provided evidence for how livelihood change in LMIC that is representative of broad global and regional trends influences food choice behaviors that have implications for promotion of sustainable healthy diets. You can find more information here and view the recording below:
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