Journal Publications

1. Cuevas R, De Guia A, Demont M. (2017). “Developing a framework of gastronomic systems research to unravel drivers of food choice.” International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science. 9:88–99. 

2. Walls H, Johnston D, Mazalale J, Chirwa E. (2018). “Why we are still failing to measure the nutrition transition.” BMJ Global Health. 3:e000657.

3. Wertheim-Heck, SC, Raneri, JE, And Oosterveer, P. (2019). “Food safety and nutrition for low-income urbanites: exploring a social justice dilemma in consumption policy.” Environment and Urbanization.

6. Pradeilles R, Kearney C, Laar A, Holdsworth M, Zotor F, Tandoh A, Klomegah S, Coleman N, Bash K, Green M, Griffiths P. (2019). “How ready are communities to implement actions to improve diets of adolescent girls and women in urban Ghana?” BMC Public Health 19:646.

7. Surendran S, Selvaraj K, Turner C, Addanki S, Kannuri NK, Debbarma A, Kadiyala S, Kinra S, Walls H. (2020). “Characterising the fruit and vegetable environment of peri-urban Hyderabad, India.” Global Food Security. 24:100343. doi:10.1016/j.gfs.2019.100343.

8. Zhang LX, Koroma F, Fofana ML, Barry AO, Diallo S, Songbono JL, Stokes-Walters R, Klemm RD, Nordhagen S, Winch PJ. (2020) “Food Security in Artisanal Mining Communities: An Exploration of Rural Markets in Northern Guinea.” Foods. 9(4):479. doi: 10.3390/foods9040479.

9. Laar A, Barnes A, Aryeetey R, Tandoh A, Bash K, Mensah K, Zotor F, Vandevijvere S, Holdsworth M. (2020). “Implementation of healthy food environment policies to prevent nutrition-related non-communicable diseases in Ghana: National experts’ assessment of government action.” Food Policy. 101907. doi:10.1016/j.foodpol.2020.101907.

10. (Book chapter) Schreinemachers P, Yang R-y, Bhattaraj DR, Rai BB, Ouedraogo MS. (2020). “The impact of school gardens on nutrition outcomes in low-income countries.” In D. Hunter, E. M. Oro, B. Burgos, C. N. Rogel, B. Calub, & J. Gonsalves (Eds.),  Agrobiodiversity, School Gardens and Healthy Diets: Promoting Biodiversity, Food and Sustainable Nutrition.

11. Bliznashka L, Danaei G, Fink G, Flax VL, Thakwalakwa C, Jaacks LM. (2020). “Cross-country comparison of dietary patterns and overweight and obesity among adult women in urban Sub-Saharan Africa.” Public Health Nutrition, 1-11.

12. Green M, Pradeilles R, Laar A, Osei-Kwasi H, Bricas N, Coleman N, Klomegah S, Njeri M, Tandoh A, Akparibo R, Griffiths P, Kimani E, Mensah K, Muthari S, Zotor F, Holdsworth, M (2020). “Investigating foods and beverages sold and advertised in deprived urban neighbourhoods in Ghana and Kenya: a cross-sectional study”BMJ Open. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035680.

13. Flax VL, Thakwalakwa C, Phuka JC, Jaacks LM. (2020). “Body size perceptions, body size preferences, and food choice among mothers and their children in Malawi.” Maternal & Child Nutrition.

14. Samaddar A, Cuevas RP, Custodio MC, Ynion J, Ray (Chakravarti) A, Mohanty SK, Demont M. (2020). “Capturing diversity and cultural drivers of food choice in Eastern India.” International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science22:100249.

15. (Book chapter) Cuevas RP, Custodio MC, Ynion J, Samaddar A & Demont M. (2020). “Gastronomic systems research.” Gastronomy and Food Science. Galanakis, C.M. & Wang. E., eds., Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.

16. Custodio MC, Ynion J, Cuevas RP, Samaddar A, Ray (Chakravarti) A, Mohanty S, Demont M. “Expert elicitation database capturing diversity and cultural drivers of food choice and nutritional implications in eastern India.” Data in Brief33, 106330.

18. Flax VL, Thakwalakwa C, Schnefke CH, Phuka JC, Jaacks LM. (2021). “Food purchasing decisions of Malawian mothers with young children in households experiencing the nutrition transition.” Appetite, 156, 104855.

19. Schreinemachers P, Baliki G, Shrestha RM, Bhattarai DR, Gautam IP, Ghimire PL, Subedi BP, Brück T. “Nudging children toward healthier food choices: An experiment combining school and home gardens.” Global Food Security. 26 (2020), 100454.

20. Stokes-Walters R, Fofana ML, Songbono JL, Barry AO, Diallo S, Nordhagen S, Zhang LX, Klemm RD, Winch PJ. “‘If you don’t find anything, you can’t eat’ – Mining livelihoods and income, gender roles, and food choices in northern Guinea.” Resources Policy, 70, 101939.

21. Ambikapathi R, Shively G, Leyna G, Mosha D, Mangara A, Patil CL, Boncyk M, Froesea SL, Verissimo CK, Kazonda P, Mwanyika-Sando M, Killewo J, Gunaratna NS. (2021). “Informal food environment is associated with household vegetable purchase patterns and dietary intake in the DECIDE study: Empirical evidence from food vendor mapping in peri-urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.” Global Food Security, 28, 100474.

22. Thakwalakwa C, Flax VL, Phuka JC, Garcia H, Jaacks LM. (2020). “Drivers of food consumption among overweight mother-child dyads in Malawi.” PLoS ONE 15(12): e0243721.

23. Holdsworth M, Pradeilles R, Tandoh A, Green M, Wanjohi M, Zotor F, Asiki G, Klomegah S, Abdul-Haq Z, Osei-Kwasi H, Akparibo R, Bricas N, Griffiths P, Laar A. (2020). “Unhealthy eating practices of city-dwelling Africans in deprived neighbourhoods: evidence for policy action from Ghana and Kenya.” Global Food Security Journal26, 100452.

25. Matita M, Chirwa E, Johnston D, Mazalale J, Smith R, Walls H (2021). Does household participation in food markets increase dietary diversity? Evidence from rural Malawi.” Global Food Security, 28, 100486. 

26. Custodio MC, Ynion J, Samaddar A, Cuevas RP, Mohanty SK, Ray (Chakravarti) A, Demont M. (2021). Unraveling heterogeneity of consumers’ food choice: Implications for nutrition interventions in eastern India.” Global Food Security, 28, 100497. 

27. Blake CE, Frongillo EA, Warren AM, Constantinides SC, Rampalli K, Bhandari S. (2021). “Elaborating the science of food choice for rapidly changing food systems in low- and middle- income countries.” Global Food Security, 28, 100503.

28. Cunningham SA, Shaikh N, Datar A, Chernishkin AE, Patil S. (2021). “Food subsidies, nutrition transition, and dietary patterns in a remote Indian district.” Global Food Security, 29, 100506.

29. Warren AM, Constantinides SV, Blake CE, Frongillo EA. (2021). “Advancing knowledge about stakeholder engagement in multisectoral nutrition research.” Global Food Security, 29:100521.

30. Ripkey C, Little PD, Dominguez-Salas P, Kinyabo J, Mwanri A, Girard AW. (2021). “Increased climate variability and sedentarization in Tanzania: Health and nutrition implications on pastoral communities of Mvomero and Handeni districts, Tanzania.” Global Food Security, 29, 100516.

31. Constantinides SV, Turner C, Frongillo EA, Bhandari S, Reyes LI, Blake CE. (2021). “Using a global food environment framework to understand relationships with food choice in diverse low- and middle-income countries.” Global Food Security, 29, 100511.

32. Ynion J, Custodio MC, Samaddar A, Mohanty SK, Cuevas RP, Ray (Chakravarti) A, Demont M. (2021). Survey data on heterogeneity in consumers’ food choice in eastern India.” Data in Brief, 36: 107148. 

33. Nordhagen S, Fofana ML, Barry AO, Diallo S, Songbono JL, Stokes-Walters R, Zhang LX, Klemm R, Winch PJ. (2021). “Between the city and the farm: food environments in artisanal mining communities in Upper Guinea.” Public Health Nutrition, 1-13. doi:10.1017/S1368980021002020.

34. Bukachi SA, Ngutu M, Muthiru AW, Lepine A, Kadiyala S, Dominguez-Salas P. (2021). “Consumer perceptions of food safety in animal source foods choice and consumption in Nairobi’s informal settlements.” BMC Nutr 7, 35.

35. Pradeilles R, Irache A, Holdsworth M, Laar A, et. al. (2021). Urban physical food environments drive dietary behaviours in Ghana and Kenya: A photovoice study.” Health & Place, 71, 102647.

36. Schreinemachers P, Shrestha RM, Gole B, Bhattarai DR, Ghimire PL, Subedi BP, Brück T, Baliki G, Gautam IP, Blake CE. (2021). “Drivers of Food Choice among Children and Caregivers in Post-earthquake Nepal.” Ecology of Food and Nutrition. doi:10.1080/03670244.2021.1969925.

37. Reyes LI, Constantinides SV, Bhandari S, Frongillo EA, Schreinemachers P, Wertheim-Heck S, Walls H, Holdsworth M, Laar A, Nguyen T, Turner C, Wellard K, Blake CE. “Actions in global nutrition initiatives to promote sustainable healthy diets.” Global Food Security, 2021, 100585.

38. Jones RE, Patil S, Datar A, Shaikh NI, Cunningham SA. “Food Choices in the Context of Globalizing Food Options among Adolescents in Rural Southern India”Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 2022. DOI: 1080/03670244.2021.2020113.

39. Kimere NC, Nambooze J, Lim H, Bulungu ALS, Wellard K, Ferguson EL. “A food-based approach could improve dietary adequacy for 12-23-month-old Eastern Ugandan children”Matern Child Nutr. 2022;e13311. doi:10.1111/mcn.13311.

40. Ambikapathi R, Irema I, Lyatuu I, Caswell B, Mosha D, Nyamsangia S, Galvin L, Mangara A, Boncyk M, Froese SL, Verissimo CK, Itatiro J, Kariathi V, Kazonda P, Wandella M, Fawzi W, Killewo J, Mwanyika-Sando M, PrayGod G, Leyna G, Patil C, Gunaratna NS. “Gender and Age Differences in Meal Structures, Food Away from Home, Chrono-Nutrition, and Nutrition Intakes among Adults and Children in Tanzania Using a Newly Developed Tablet-Based 24-Hour Recall Tool”Current Developments in Nutrition. Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2022, nzac015.

41. Turner C, Bhogadi S, Walls H, Surendran S, Kulkarni B, Kinra S, Kadiyala S. “Drivers of food acquisition practices in the food environment of peri-urban Hyderabad, India: A qualitative investigation.” Health & Place, 2022, 74, 102763.

42. Boncyk M, Shemdoe A, Ambikapathi R,  et al. “Exploring drivers of food choice among PLHIV and their families in a peri-urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.” BMC Public Health22, 1068 (2022).

43. Rowland D, Zanello G, Waliyo E, Ickowitz A. (2022). “Oil palm and gendered time use: A mixed-methods case study from West Kalimantan, Indonesia.” Forest Policy and Economics. 137:102682.

44. Ekesa B, Fongar A, Nasser M. (2022). “Access to and Utilization of Wild Species for Food and Nutrition Security in Teso and Acholi Sub-regions of Uganda.” Front. Sustain. Food Syst.

46. Bukachi SA, Ngutu M, Muthiru AW, Lepine A, Kadiyala S, Dominguez-Salas P. “Gender and sociocultural factors in animal source foods (ASFs) access and consumption in lower-income households in urban informal settings of Nairobi, Kenya.”J Health Popul Nutr 4130 (2022).

47. Liguori J, Pradeilles R, Laar A, Zotor F, Tandoh A, Klomegah S, Osei-Kwasi HA, Le Port A, Bricas N, Aryeetey R, Akparibo R, Griffiths P, Holdsworth M. (2022). Individual-level drivers of dietary behaviour in adolescents and women through the reproductive life course in urban Ghana: A Photovoice study. Maternal & Child Nutrition, e13412.

48. Walls H, Johnston D, Matita M, Chirwa E, Mazalele J, Quaife M, Kamwanja T, Smith R. How effectively might agricultural input subsidies improve nutrition? A case study of Malawi’s Farm Input Subsidy Programme (FISP). Food Sec. (2022).

49. Wanjohi MN, Pradeilles R, Asiki G, Holdsworth M, Kimani-Murage EW, Muthuri SK, Irache A, Laar A, Zotor F, Tandoh A, et al. Community perceptions on the factors in the social food environment that influence dietary behaviour in cities of Kenya and Ghana: A Photovoice study. Public Health Nutrition. (2022):1-31. doi:10.1017/S1368980022002270

50. Isanovic S, Constantinides SV, Frongillo EA, Bhandari S, Samin S, Kenney E, Blake CE, et al. How Perspectives on Food Safety of Vendors and Consumers Translate into Food-Choice Behaviors in 6 African and Asian Countries. Current Developments in Nutrition. (2023);7(1):100015. doi:10.1016/j.cdnut.2022.100015

51. Rampalli KK, Blake CE, Frongillo EA, Montoya J. Why understanding food choice is crucial to transform food systems for human and planetary health. BMJ Global Health. (2023);8:e010876. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2022-010876